This product is made of high-quality MDF and is manufactured in Brazil. The main color is black and the main material used is MDF, with a filler also made of MDF. The product is not considered a dangerous good and does not require any caution or danger flags. Dimensions and weights for this product are as follows: Assembled length is 52 inches, width is 17.75 inches, and height is 32.67 inches. The weight of the product is 125 pounds. Some key features of this product include its sturdy construction and use of high-quality materials. It is a durable and reliable piece of furniture that will add a touch of elegance to any room.
 This product is made of high-quality MDF and is manufactured in Brazil. The main color is black and the main material used is MDF, with a filler also made of MDF. The product is not considered a dangerous good and does not require any caution or danger flags. Dimensions and weights for this product are as follows: Assembled length is 52 inches, width is 17.75 inches, and height is 32.67 inches. The weight of the product is 125 pounds. Some key features of this product include its sturdy construction and use of high-quality materials. It is a durable and reliable piece of furniture that will add a touch of elegance to any room.